eTwinning national quality label
French team has the national quality label. Congratulations !
French team has the national quality label. Congratulations !
Exhibition at the library - sustainability
During January 2018, an exhibition about sustainbility took place in our library.
All the students could have informations about climate change, global warning, biodiversity, and their consequences on our lives and on the environment.
On Friday 13th October 2017 we celebrated ERASMUS DAYS, and our meeting took place in staff room.
This celebration will take place on Friday 13 October 2017, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in staff room .
Have a look at the website dedicated :
We are proud of our project !!!
First publication
Have a look at the link below :
Second publication
Have a look at the link below :
Aurelie, a PhD student from Manitoba University (Canada), shared her experience on global warming.
We talked about climate change and its consequences, general issues on environment, inuits, wildlife, and so on
A number of activities are forseen for dissemination of the project results since its start.
Information about the project was shared among all teachers in high school Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Meetings with students and their parents have been organized.
The coordinator presented the project, how it was born, its aims, planned activities, expected results, evaluation, as well as the schools and the areas where they are located.
Two school boards (hall and staff room) present our project.
Using apps, French students created a collage with different pictures related to global warming.
VERY IMPORTANT : students couldn't use any picture on the internet as they must be free of rights. They could find a lot of free images on the web (type "images free of rights").
Below, you have their three best pictures :
High school Jean-Pierre Timbaud has selected its three best logos. Now we run for the logo of the project !