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The Bulgarian partner

119 SU "Akademik Mihail Arnaudov" 

The school is situated in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.














The school was founded in 1960 as basically passed through the stages of secondary polytechnic school, real school to modern secondary school. Now 119 High School "Mihail Arnaudov" is enshrined metropolitan school with its own look and style of work. It is one of two middle schools in the region "Izgrev." It train more than 1,500 children from first to twelfth grade. Priority in teaching are Science, Maths and IT. Extra classes provide the students with additional practice on these subjects. Some of their interests are connected to sports and in this area our young people form several teams which continue to win medals for the school.

Both teachers and students are active in different school, national and international projects.



One headmaster, 5 deputy headmasters, and over 120 teaches work at the school.


Adress: Sofia 1113,                    Email:              Website:

             Bulgaria                                                                          Facebook:

             str. "Latinka" 11
